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Cited article:

Impaired tongue motor control after temporomandibular disorder: A proof‐of‐concept case‐control study of tongue print

Caroline Alvarado, Audrey Arminjon, Clovis Damieux‐Verdeaux, Claire Lhotte, Chloé Condemine, Anne‐Sabine Cousin, Nicolas Sigaux, Pierre Bouletreau and Sébastien Mateo
Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 8 (2) 529 (2022)

Analysis of Tongue Function from the Orthodontist’s Point of View: Not Only a Matter of Deglutition

Andrea Deregibus, Simone Parrini, Maria Chiara Domini, Jacopo Colombini and Tommaso Castroflorio
Applied Sciences 11 (6) 2520 (2021)