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Survival Rates of Endodontically Treated Posterior Teeth Restored with All-Ceramic Partial-Coverage Crowns: When Systematic Review Fails
Marco Ferrari, Edoardo Ferrari Cagidiaco, Denise Irene Karin Pontoriero, Carlo Ercoli and Kostantinos Chochlidakis International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(4) 1971 (2022)
Restorative difficulty evaluation system of endodontically treated teeth
Marco Ferrari, Denise I. K. Pontoriero, Edoardo Ferrari Cagidiaco and Fabio Carboncini Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry 34(1) 65 (2022)
Dental Erosion Evaluation with Intact-Tooth Smartphone Application: Preliminary Clinical Results from September 2019 to March 2022
Andrea Butera, Carolina Maiorani, Simone Gallo, Maurizio Pascadopoli, Sergio Buono and Andrea Scribante Sensors 22(14) 5133 (2022)
Metallic Dental Implants Wear Mechanisms, Materials, and Manufacturing Processes: A Literature Review